How to fix “The total delegated trust creation quota has been exceeded. [ERROR_ALL_USER_TRUST_QUOTA_EXCEEDED (0x78D)]” – Error Code 1933


Error Code 1933

Error code Error Code 1933 is a common Windows issue that typically arises from “The total delegated trust creation quota has been exceeded. [ERROR_ALL_USER_TRUST_QUOTA_EXCEEDED (0x78D)]”.


In this article, we’ll focus on resolving the issue described as: “The total delegated trust creation quota has been exceeded. [ERROR_ALL_USER_TRUST_QUOTA_EXCEEDED (0x78D)]”. This error, identified by the error code Error Code 1933, can impede your system’s performance, and here’s how you can fix it.

Identifying the Problem

Error Code 1933 typically occurs when attempting to create an excessive number of delegated trust relationships. A trust relationship is an authorization between two domains allowing them to share resources. Microsoft limits the number of delegated trusts per domain to prevent potential security risks, such as unauthorized access to sensitive data. Identifying Error Code 1933 can be difficult, but there are telltale signs. When attempting to create a trust relationship and encountering this error message, it’s a clear indication of reaching the trust creation limit.

Common Fixes

Method 1: Check Domain Limits

Determining the trust quota limit for your domain is the first step in addressing this issue. Using the Active Directory Users and Computers tool, you can follow these steps to view the limit:

  1. Launch Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Right-click the domain name and select “Properties.”
  3. Navigate to the “Trusts” tab and check the “Maximum number of trusts” value.

If the trust creation quota has been exceeded, you’ll need to raise it or perform alternative solutions described below.

Method 2: Remove Unused Trust Relationships

Eliminating unused trust relationships can free up the trust creation quota. Follow these steps to review and remove unneeded trusts:

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Expand the “Domains” container and select the domain you’re experiencing issues with.
  3. Right-click “Trust Relationships” and select “Manage Trust Relationships.”
  4. Identify any inactive or unnecessary trusts and right-click to “Delete.”

Method 3: Use Security Groups

Instead of creating multiple individual trusts, consider using security groups. By assigning users to security groups, you can delegate permissions without creating numerous trust relationships and potentially exceeding the quota.

Advanced Troubleshooting

Method 4: Edit the Registry

If the previous methods didn’t resolve the issue, modifying the registry can help. However, this is an advanced solution and should be attempted with caution.

  1. Open the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).
  2. Navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
  3. Look for the “DelegateTrustCreationQuota” DWORD value.
  4. Modify the value to increase the trust creation quota.

Method 5: Contact Microsoft Support

If the error persists, don’t hesitate to reach out to Microsoft Support. They possess in-depth knowledge and resources to assist with more intricate issues.


Error Code 1933 can be a frustrating roadblock, but it can be effectively resolved with the solutions outlined in this guide. Whether you choose to verify domain limits, remove unused trusts, or explore advanced troubleshooting, implementing these steps will restore your system’s performance and prevent this error from disrupting your work in the future. By staying proactive and managing your trust relationships efficiently, you can ensure your system operates smoothly and securely.